Jason Thorpe
2024-01-06 18:16:01 UTC
I still have a little cleanup to do, but this should be ready to get hooked up into RELENG’s automated tests soon.
the-ripe-vessel:thorpej 39$ ./netbsd-virt68k
WARNING: Image format was not specified for 'disk0.raw' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
[ 1.0000000] Initialized Goldfish TTY console @ 0xff008000
[ 1.0000000] Memory segment 0: addr=0x003d9000 size=0x07c27000
[ 1.0000000] WARNING: ignored 32 bytes of RND_SEED data @ 0x3afde6
[ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
[ 1.0000000] 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
[ 1.0000000] 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023,
[ 1.0000000] 2024
[ 1.0000000] The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
[ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
[ 1.0000000] The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
[ 1.0000000] NetBSD 10.99.10 (GENERIC) #97: Sat Jan 6 09:50:33 PST 2024
[ 1.0000000] ***@the-ripe-vessel:/space/src/sys/arch/virt68k/compile/GENERIC
[ 1.0000000] Qemu 8.1.3: MC68040+MMU+FPU, 4k+4k on-chip physical I/D caches
[ 1.0000000] total memory = 128 MB
[ 1.0000000] avail memory = 120 MB
[ 1.0000000] mainbus0 (root)
[ 1.0000000] gfpic0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff000000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic0: interrupting at IPL 1
[ 1.0000000] gfpic1 at mainbus0 addr 0xff001000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic1: interrupting at IPL 2
[ 1.0000000] gfpic2 at mainbus0 addr 0xff002000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic2: interrupting at IPL 3
[ 1.0000000] gfpic3 at mainbus0 addr 0xff003000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic3: interrupting at IPL 4
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4 at mainbus0 addr 0xff004000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: interrupting at IPL 5
[ 1.0000000] gfpic5 at mainbus0 addr 0xff005000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic5: interrupting at IPL 6
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff006000: Google Goldfish RTC + timer
[ 1.0000000] gfpic5: enabling IRQ 0 (0x00000001)
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc0: hardclock interrupting at gfpic5 irq 1 (IPL 6)
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc0: Using as delay() timer.
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc1 at mainbus0 addr 0xff007000: Google Goldfish RTC + timer
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc1: using as Time of Day Register.
[ 1.0000000] gftty0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff008000: Google Goldfish TTY
[ 1.0000000] gftty0: console
[ 1.0000000] gfpic0: enabling IRQ 31 (0x80000000)
[ 1.0000000] gftty0: interrupting at gfpic0 irq 32 (IPL 1)
[ 1.0000000] virtctrl0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff009000: Qemu Virtual System Controller
[ 1.0000000] virtctrl0: features=0x00000001
[ 1.0000000] virtio0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01f800
[ 1.0000000] virtio0: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio0: network device (id 1, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] vioif0 at virtio0: features: 0x130870020<V1,EVENT_IDX,INDIRECT_DESC,CTRL_MAC,CTRL_RX,CTRL_VQ,STATUS,MAC>
[ 1.0000000] vioif0: Ethernet address 52:54:00:12:34:56
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 28 (0x10000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio0: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 29 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] virtio1 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01fa00
[ 1.0000000] virtio1: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio1: SCSI device (id 8, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] vioscsi0 at virtio1: features: 0x110000000<V1,INDIRECT_DESC>
[ 1.0000000] vioscsi0: cmd_per_lun 128 qsize 1024 seg_max 254 max_target 255 max_lun 16383
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 29 (0x20000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio1: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 30 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] scsibus0 at vioscsi0: 256 targets, 16384 luns per target
[ 1.0000000] virtio2 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01fc00
[ 1.0000000] virtio2: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio2: entropy device (id 4, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] viornd0 at virtio2: features: 0x110000000<V1,INDIRECT_DESC>
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 30 (0x40000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio2: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 31 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] entropy: ready
[ 1.0000000] virtio3 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01fe00
[ 1.0000000] virtio3: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio3: block device (id 2, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] ld0 at virtio3: features: 0x110000a54<V1,INDIRECT_DESC,CONFIG_WCE,FLUSH,BLK_SIZE,GEOMETRY,SEG_MAX>
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 31 (0x80000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio3: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 32 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] ld0: 8193 MB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 16779264 sectors
[ 1.0000000] No statclock; using hardclock.
[ 1.0000000] Initialzing hardclock: freq=100 Hz, interval=10000 usec
[ 1.0500030] cd0 at scsibus0 target 6 lun 0: <QEMU, QEMU CD-ROM, 2.5+> cdrom removable
[ 1.0500030] cd0: async, 8-bit transfers, tagged queueing
[ 2.9500030] swwdog0: software watchdog initialized
[ 2.9500030] root device: ld0a
[ 3.0000030] dump device (default ld0b): [ 3.0100030] file system (default generic): [ 3.0200030] root on ld0a dumps on ld0b
[ 3.0300030] root file system type: ffs
[ 3.0300030] kern.module.path=/stand/virt68k/10.99.10/modules
[ 3.0400030] init path (default /sbin/init): [ 3.0500030] init: trying /sbin/init
Sat Jan 6 18:14:16 UTC 2024
Starting root file system check:
/dev/rld0a: file system is clean; not checking
Setting sysctl variables:
ddb.onpanic: 1 -> 0
swapctl: setting dump device to /dev/ld0b
swapctl: adding /dev/ld0b as swap device at priority 0
Starting file system checks:
Loaded entropy from /var/db/entropy-file.
Waiting for entropy...done
Setting tty flags.
Starting network.
/etc/rc: WARNING: $hostname not set.
IPv6 mode: host
Configuring network interfaces:.
Adding interface aliases:.
Waiting for duplicate address detection to finish...
Building databases: dev, utmp, utmpx, services.
Starting syslogd.
Mounting all file systems...
mount_procfs: procfs on /proc: Operation not supported by device
/etc/rc.d/mountall exited with code 1
Clearing temporary files.
Creating a.out runtime link editor directory cache.
Checking quotas: done.
Setting securelevel: kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1
swapctl: setting dump device to /dev/ld0b
Starting virecover.
Checking for core dump...
savecore: no core dump
Starting local daemons:.
Updating motd.
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
/usr/sbin/postconf: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
Starting postfix.
postfix: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
postfix: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
Jan 6 18:14:22 postfix[686]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
/etc/rc.d/postfix exited with code 1
Starting inetd.
Starting cron.
The following components reported failures:
/etc/rc.d/mountall /etc/rc.d/postfix
See /var/run/rc.log for more information.
Sat Jan 6 18:14:23 UTC 2024
NetBSD/virt68k (Amnesiac) (constty)
-- thorpej
Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
the-ripe-vessel:thorpej 39$ ./netbsd-virt68k
WARNING: Image format was not specified for 'disk0.raw' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
[ 1.0000000] Initialized Goldfish TTY console @ 0xff008000
[ 1.0000000] Memory segment 0: addr=0x003d9000 size=0x07c27000
[ 1.0000000] WARNING: ignored 32 bytes of RND_SEED data @ 0x3afde6
[ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
[ 1.0000000] 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
[ 1.0000000] 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023,
[ 1.0000000] 2024
[ 1.0000000] The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
[ 1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
[ 1.0000000] The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
[ 1.0000000] NetBSD 10.99.10 (GENERIC) #97: Sat Jan 6 09:50:33 PST 2024
[ 1.0000000] ***@the-ripe-vessel:/space/src/sys/arch/virt68k/compile/GENERIC
[ 1.0000000] Qemu 8.1.3: MC68040+MMU+FPU, 4k+4k on-chip physical I/D caches
[ 1.0000000] total memory = 128 MB
[ 1.0000000] avail memory = 120 MB
[ 1.0000000] mainbus0 (root)
[ 1.0000000] gfpic0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff000000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic0: interrupting at IPL 1
[ 1.0000000] gfpic1 at mainbus0 addr 0xff001000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic1: interrupting at IPL 2
[ 1.0000000] gfpic2 at mainbus0 addr 0xff002000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic2: interrupting at IPL 3
[ 1.0000000] gfpic3 at mainbus0 addr 0xff003000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic3: interrupting at IPL 4
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4 at mainbus0 addr 0xff004000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: interrupting at IPL 5
[ 1.0000000] gfpic5 at mainbus0 addr 0xff005000: Google Goldfish PIC
[ 1.0000000] gfpic5: interrupting at IPL 6
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff006000: Google Goldfish RTC + timer
[ 1.0000000] gfpic5: enabling IRQ 0 (0x00000001)
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc0: hardclock interrupting at gfpic5 irq 1 (IPL 6)
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc0: Using as delay() timer.
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc1 at mainbus0 addr 0xff007000: Google Goldfish RTC + timer
[ 1.0000000] gfrtc1: using as Time of Day Register.
[ 1.0000000] gftty0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff008000: Google Goldfish TTY
[ 1.0000000] gftty0: console
[ 1.0000000] gfpic0: enabling IRQ 31 (0x80000000)
[ 1.0000000] gftty0: interrupting at gfpic0 irq 32 (IPL 1)
[ 1.0000000] virtctrl0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff009000: Qemu Virtual System Controller
[ 1.0000000] virtctrl0: features=0x00000001
[ 1.0000000] virtio0 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01f800
[ 1.0000000] virtio0: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio0: network device (id 1, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] vioif0 at virtio0: features: 0x130870020<V1,EVENT_IDX,INDIRECT_DESC,CTRL_MAC,CTRL_RX,CTRL_VQ,STATUS,MAC>
[ 1.0000000] vioif0: Ethernet address 52:54:00:12:34:56
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 28 (0x10000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio0: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 29 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] virtio1 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01fa00
[ 1.0000000] virtio1: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio1: SCSI device (id 8, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] vioscsi0 at virtio1: features: 0x110000000<V1,INDIRECT_DESC>
[ 1.0000000] vioscsi0: cmd_per_lun 128 qsize 1024 seg_max 254 max_target 255 max_lun 16383
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 29 (0x20000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio1: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 30 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] scsibus0 at vioscsi0: 256 targets, 16384 luns per target
[ 1.0000000] virtio2 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01fc00
[ 1.0000000] virtio2: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio2: entropy device (id 4, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] viornd0 at virtio2: features: 0x110000000<V1,INDIRECT_DESC>
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 30 (0x40000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio2: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 31 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] entropy: ready
[ 1.0000000] virtio3 at mainbus0 addr 0xff01fe00
[ 1.0000000] virtio3: VirtIO-MMIO-v2
[ 1.0000000] virtio3: block device (id 2, rev. 0x01)
[ 1.0000000] ld0 at virtio3: features: 0x110000a54<V1,INDIRECT_DESC,CONFIG_WCE,FLUSH,BLK_SIZE,GEOMETRY,SEG_MAX>
[ 1.0000000] gfpic4: enabling IRQ 31 (0x80000000)
[ 1.0000000] virtio3: interrupting at gfpic4 irq 32 (IPL 5)
[ 1.0000000] ld0: 8193 MB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 16779264 sectors
[ 1.0000000] No statclock; using hardclock.
[ 1.0000000] Initialzing hardclock: freq=100 Hz, interval=10000 usec
[ 1.0500030] cd0 at scsibus0 target 6 lun 0: <QEMU, QEMU CD-ROM, 2.5+> cdrom removable
[ 1.0500030] cd0: async, 8-bit transfers, tagged queueing
[ 2.9500030] swwdog0: software watchdog initialized
[ 2.9500030] root device: ld0a
[ 3.0000030] dump device (default ld0b): [ 3.0100030] file system (default generic): [ 3.0200030] root on ld0a dumps on ld0b
[ 3.0300030] root file system type: ffs
[ 3.0300030] kern.module.path=/stand/virt68k/10.99.10/modules
[ 3.0400030] init path (default /sbin/init): [ 3.0500030] init: trying /sbin/init
Sat Jan 6 18:14:16 UTC 2024
Starting root file system check:
/dev/rld0a: file system is clean; not checking
Setting sysctl variables:
ddb.onpanic: 1 -> 0
swapctl: setting dump device to /dev/ld0b
swapctl: adding /dev/ld0b as swap device at priority 0
Starting file system checks:
Loaded entropy from /var/db/entropy-file.
Waiting for entropy...done
Setting tty flags.
Starting network.
/etc/rc: WARNING: $hostname not set.
IPv6 mode: host
Configuring network interfaces:.
Adding interface aliases:.
Waiting for duplicate address detection to finish...
Building databases: dev, utmp, utmpx, services.
Starting syslogd.
Mounting all file systems...
mount_procfs: procfs on /proc: Operation not supported by device
/etc/rc.d/mountall exited with code 1
Clearing temporary files.
Creating a.out runtime link editor directory cache.
Checking quotas: done.
Setting securelevel: kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1
swapctl: setting dump device to /dev/ld0b
Starting virecover.
Checking for core dump...
savecore: no core dump
Starting local daemons:.
Updating motd.
/usr/sbin/postconf: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
/usr/sbin/postconf: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
Starting postfix.
postfix: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
postfix: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
Jan 6 18:14:22 postfix[686]: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
/etc/rc.d/postfix exited with code 1
Starting inetd.
Starting cron.
The following components reported failures:
/etc/rc.d/mountall /etc/rc.d/postfix
See /var/run/rc.log for more information.
Sat Jan 6 18:14:23 UTC 2024
NetBSD/virt68k (Amnesiac) (constty)
-- thorpej
Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de